samedi, octobre 31, 2009

O colours of Scotland

C'est un fait, en Ecosse, il pleut. Mais comment obtiendrait-on cette végétation luxuriante, sinon ?
Et quand toute la planète aura succombé au réchauffement climatique*, on sera content d'avoir encore un coin de fraîcheur.
*Je suis d'ailleurs convaincue qu'en Ecosse, le réchauffement climatique se traduit par encore plus de pluie. Something to do with la fonte des glaciers en Atlantique Nord, qui s'évaporent et se déversent quelques milliers de kilomètres plus bas. Je n'ai aucune preuve scientifique, juste une intuition.

jeudi, octobre 22, 2009

More pictures of Linlithgow Palace

Back by popular demand, the fabulous Linlithgow Palace near Edinburgh. Isn't it awesome ?

dimanche, octobre 18, 2009

Beautiful Linlithgow Palace

On my last visit to Scotland, I made a point of paying a visit to Linlithgow Palace, not far from Edinburgh. Linlithgow Palace is an important centre of Scottish history. Mary Stuart was born there, in 1542. It would have been a magnificent building, with many chambers, intricate sculptures, a brewery and a lavish lawn. But it's now reduced to a skeleton with bare walls and open roofs.
I loved it !

Mary Queen of Scots was born in this very room.

On the day of my visit, a tatoo (a display of music and dances with bagpipes and drums galore), was organized on the premises.

The town of Linlithgow commemorates Mary Queen of Scots with a pub called The Four Marys, aka the famous queen and her ladies-in-waiting.

samedi, octobre 03, 2009

Pub signs

Outre visiter des ruines, une autre de mes obsessions en vacances est de prendre en photo de devantures de pubs. So British.

I've got a thing with pub signs, it's just so British, just like the red and white tablecloths are typical of French restaurants. These ones were photographed in England and Wales.