vendredi, mai 30, 2008

Trucs de filles (Girly week)

It's been an eventful week for the fashion-savvy Parisiennes with a private screening of Sex and the City on the Champs-Elysées on Wednesday, followed by the opening of the first central-Paris flagship store of British brand New Look the next night.

I'm a great fan of the TV series Sex and the City which paved the way for other brilliant programmes such as Six Feet Under or Desperate Housewives. I didn't expect much of the feature film and I was right. Although it's nice to meet the four girls again, the film lacks the sharp humour of the series. Some bits are funny but overall the dialogues are dull and the script is paper thin. Far from being feminist, the film shows insecure women hanging on coward and immature men. Come on girls, you deserve better than that.

You deserve a VIP shopping invitation to the New Look boutique for instance. The buzz that preceded this opening was incredible considering it's just a cheap brand for party girls and we already have plenty of them here (Pimkie, Etam, Jennyfer...). Still, it's like a whiff of Britishness blowing from across the Channel and I did find a few items that will fit me this summer.

On dirait que je serais un blog de fille et que je parlerais de ce que j'ai fait cette semaine, à savoir assister à une projection privée de Sex and the City mercredi, suivie de l'ouverture du premier magasin New Look au Forum des Halles, dans le centre de Paris, le lendemain.

Grande fan de la série Sex and the City, je n'attendais pas grand chose du film et j'avais raison. L'esprit satirique s'est dilué dans une bluette entre Le diable s'habille en Prada pour le décor et les costumes et Quatre mariages et un enterrement pour l'intrigue, moins l'humour tongue in cheek. Certaines scènes sont réussies mais l'ensemble est très poussif. Pire, il n'est flatteur ni pour les hommes, invariablement lâches et immatures, ni pour les femmes qui les choisissent pour compagnons.

Enfin, il n'y a pas de quoi appeler la (fashion) police, encore moins rater la soirée New Look, peuplée de clones de Lily Allen, qui a permis de respirer un peu d'air venu d'outre-Manche et s'offrir quelques tenues d'été au passage. C'est bon d'être une fille, quand même.

3 commentaires:

Lesley a dit…

I saw the film on a girls' night out in Bx yesterday evening - I didn't expect much either which is just as well, because at some times it felt like having a self-help book read out to us.

Pascale Clerk a dit…

A very bad self-help book then because she should get away from that jerk! (no spoiler here)

Mo a dit…

I missed Sex and the City when it was on TV but I'm a big Desperate Housewives fan!