lundi, juillet 16, 2007

Time for a change

A few years back, I used to write a column for the Sunday Herald about my life in Paris. It was just after the National Front came second in the presidential election and there was a sudden interest in these bizarre French who never seemed to get anything right. The column lasted for over a year before they decided to scrap it (something I said ?) but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yet I'm not sure I would manage to do it now. Although I speak English on a daily basis at home, my written English has got very rusty. A few emails to friends and greeting cards to family are far from enough to keep it going.

So I've decided to try to write this blog in English.
Or at least parts of it.

I know it’s better to get a broader audience (not that I have very grand ambitions) and most French-speaking bloggers understand English anyway. First of all, it’s a good exercise if I ever want to get some freelance work in Scotland again... ;)

The main drawbacks are : 1/ It will take double the time to write and 2/ I might make plenty of mistakes and have a very dull style despite the help of my Robert & Collins dictionnary. Sorry to French- and English-speaking readers but there should be less posts with more misspellings in them… Stay tuned and be patient, it should improve along the way.

Ce blog va tenter de devenir bilingue. Si ça me prend trop de temps, je retourne à ma langue natale !

4 commentaires:

Pepette a dit…

On dirait que c'est dans l'air du temps! Ca fait quelques semaines que je considère l'idée d'écrire en anglais - paradoxalement, ça me vient plus naturellement vu que je parle anglais 95% du temps ! Je pense que je vais finir par te suivre ou continuer à alterner au gré de mon humeur...
En tout cas, j'attendrais toujours tes posts avec autant d'impatience en français ou in english!

Pascale Clerk a dit…

Thank you Pepette ! Your posts are very interesting either way.

Mo a dit…

Je comprends pourquoi vous ressentez le besoin d'écrire en anglais, toutes les deux. Mais je serais très deçue :-( J'aime bien lire un peu de français tous les jours. Et je suis triste qu'il faut toujours parler anglais pour être compris dans le monde entier. Vive le français!

Don't worry about making mistakes. I'm sure I make loads in my comments. I usually notice then as soon as I've posted. At least with your own blog you can go back and change it.

Good luck whatever you decide to do.

Pascale Clerk a dit…

Thank you Mo. Ideally, I'll try to write in both languages. It's a challenge !